Нефть течет на Запад, деньги текут в Москву, оттуда растекаются по карманам Путина и его друзей. Остатки денег попадают и периферии, где тратятся как из дырявого решета благодаря беудержной коррупции и плохого управления. Поэтому не хватает на асфальтирование дорог, устройство водопровода и канализации. Руководству страны это не важно.
Не знаю, как кому, но мне за Россию безумно обидно, Такая страна - а у власти негодяи.
Is Russia a poor country?
In this last one you can spot an artesian water pump in the bottom left corner, and stacks of firewood, meaning these neighborhoods don’t have water supply, sewage, or central heating.
Crazy, right? I challenge you to open Google Maps, and stick the street view in any residential location toward the edges of any Russian city besides Moscow. This is what you’re likely to find.
The reason is that all the natural wealth is extracted by the oil and gas monopoly (both Gazprom and Rosnzeft are state owned companies), the resource goes west, the money goes to Moscow.
It is then used to pay for Putin, his gang, their friends, their friends’ friends and anyone connected to them. Then it’s used to pay for the rest of Russia which leaks money like a sieve due to bad decisions and rampant corruption. After that, there’s no money left to pave the streets in places that “don’t matter” and therefore you get a decent GDP/capita, but the people still live in the 19th century.
Just for reference — rural Slovenia for example:
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