notabler (notabler) wrote,

Что изобрела Британия

Забавляет ведущаяся на Quora  перманентная драчка между англичанами и американцами. Вот вам образец, который дает много пищи для размышлений. Ну, и для коллекции сведений.
David Trustrum
David Trustrum, lives in The United Kingdom

Here is a short and incomplete list of things invented, discovered, predomonitally invented, or invented in their modern form in the UK, or by British people, copied from another of my answers:

The English Language, The world-wide web, submarines, logarithms, desalination, accurate clocks, steam engines, the seed drill, baseball, football, cricket, hockey, horse racing, drainage, sociology, the theory of evolution, vaccines, percussion firearms, electromagnets, combine harvesters, light bulbs, bicycle pedals, chemical fertilisers, Boolean logic, hypodermic needles, traffic lights, tractors, LED lighting, television, the jet engine, knowledge of the structure of DNA, the atomic clock, carbon fibre, ATM machines, pocket calculators, the Beatles, The rolling Stones, modern pop music, Donald Trump (sorry), IVF, DNA profiling, the detective novel, text messaging, graphene, bone china, the powered cloth loom, Christmas cards, Valentines cards, the typewriter, pneumatic tyres, vulcanised rubber, modern printing, radar, the stored programme computer, the portable MP3 player, adjustable spanners, backhoes, microchips, superchargers, prams, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, rubber bands, tin cans, the corkscrew, the mouse trap, flushing toilets, fire extinguishers, magnifying glasses, sunglasses, the toothbrush, the kaleidoscope, macintosh rain-wear, marmalade, matches, Wellington Boots, sandwiches, Anglicanism (sorry), Methodism (sorry), Quakers, agnosticism, steel, float glass, extrusion moulding, surgical forceps, surgical antisepsis, anaesthesia, aspirin, ibuprofen, beta-blockers, the Smallpox Vaccine, blood transfusion, treatment of Epilepsy, modern nursing, clinical thermometer, ECG, vitamins, synthetic insulin, antibiotics, in vitro fertilisation, CT scans, Viagra, hip replacements, the artificial kidney, the tank, aircraft carriers, stun grenades, torpedoes, special forces, concertinas, cinematography, atomic theory, calculus, theory of gravity, slide rule, theory of plate tectonics, atomic power, atomic bombs (sorry), tennis, boxing, golf, billiards, darts, netball, aeronautics, ailerons, HUD displays, railways, disc brakes, hovercraft, SCUBA equipment, sextant, octant, screw propeller, marine chronometer, hydrofoil, hypnotism, RADAR, fingerprinting, MRI scans, police forces, crossword puzzles, plasticine, matches, the Scouts, the YMCA, the Salvation Army, The Bank of England, the Bank of Scotland, The Banque de France and the US Navy.

Is that enough to be going on with

Tags: англия

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